Friday, February 20, 2015

My address in this universe..

What is my address?

Whaaaaaaaaat!!! Don’t he know his own address? He is retarded..
This is the response I get when I ask this question to anyone...
Yes, I am a retarded guy typing this at-

123, ABC lane,
XYZ colony,

What’s next?

Ok.. Asia..Then?

Where do we stand in this immense universe!! Does this ever wonder you?

The answer is our COSMIC ADDRESS.

Earth, the only planet ever known to support life and which is getting screwed by its own US, forms the first line of our cosmic address …

Is earth the supreme? Is it the centre of the universe?

Yes the people believed so in the past…But not anymore…People change L

Earth is just like any other mud ball that revolves around a fiery ball…

The fiery ball I am referring to is our beloved sun ..

Unlike the governments here, the sun has been in power from the very beginning…He holds every mud ball( planet) in his control with his attraction…After all, he is hot… <3 ;)

“Hey my bitches, stay in uah limits (orbits) or you shall burn in hell”

The best bitch of sun here is Mercury followed by Venus (The beautiful of all)
                                                                        Earth   (The lively of all)
                                                                        Mars    (The red head)
                                                                        Jupiter (Fat bitch)
                                                                        Saturn (Crowned bitch)
                                                                        Uranus (Frozen bitch)
                                                                        Neptune (You too)

“Venus, you re beautiful, but I love Mercury (True love)”

“Pluto, I don’t like you anymore”

Aww…poor little bitch (Pluto)… :P
This kingdom of sun forms the second line of our cosmic address: The Solar System

But what’s beyond that?

Human eye can see only a sliver of light that shines in the space. But sciences gives us the power to see what our naked senses cannot…

There are billions of planets, stars out there adrift in perpetual night, all of them scattered during the chaotic birth of this universe..

All these form our Milky way which gives us our third line of cosmic address

I think Milky way sounds perfect to be the name of a chocolate bar..What say?

By the way, you are 30000 light years away from the centre of the Milky Way…(Not the chocolate…the real

The solar system isn’t the only kingdom…There are other kingdoms too…Our neighbour is called ANDROMEDA,the galaxy next door…Its always good to have neighbours..

The solar system, Andromeda and several other small kingdoms nearby are altogether called as
The Local Group

Ahha…!! There it is…our fourth line of cosmic address..

Now, lets move somewhere far…far away where our galaxy becomes one of the several other tiniest dots…
These dots are countless galaxies with billions of suns and planets of their own…

This cluster of galaxies which is superb is called The Virgo Supercluster
(Haha how I framed this line reminds me how I used to write exams in engineering…LOL…)

The super supercluster itself forms nothing but a tiny part of this universe...

This is the address on the greatest scale we know, a network of hundred billion galaxies,
 The Observable Universe.
This forms the last line of our cosmic address FOR NOW..

Are you feeling little about yourself? ;)

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